Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Theres a fool in every disco

uploaded: Sun, Aug 2, 2009 @ 9:23 PM
Recommends (12)
There’s generally a fool to be found in every disco.
We all know the type;
Lapel too wide, way too much chest hair, moves that his Mum taught him.
(hey hang a sec…thats me!!)

I’m giving my voice a rest for a couple of hours, so while I gargled the finest of Pilseners, it was time to give the hi -octane voice of Beng Calma-Alcazaren a blurt.
I guess its my turn to play the fool shortly (sorry for the delay Paul)
Lots of fun playing a real bass on a borrowed pelvis.

Scomber x

"Theres a fool in every disco"
by ScOmBer

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