Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 564 - 576 of 822 matches total
...ou can achieve when playing around with your own voice. ,acappella,media,trackback,in_video,attribution,audio,mp3,48k,stereo,cbr,amb
human drums 1b playing without a metronome again; but it's pretty steady 'round 92bpm. ,sample,media,bpm_090_095,ccplus,non_commercial,au... feedback? is it boring? not mixed well? is the aesthetic too 90's? is it that i haven't been around long enough? any useful advi
... highlight his bass playing, so in this song you'll here his bass solos in the chorus, with a remixed piano melody, and ryth. guitar
reward for effort and sacrifice will be a bit boring in the long monotonous music.(?!) media,remix,bpm_085_090,bass,drums,hip_hop,parecon...
...zed the elements by playing in a bassline from access virus b (no quantization applied). call it groove or whatever, not that the pl
you vocal something gentle for a lazy weekend, inspired by the beautiful guitar playing of mr panu moon on [url=
you something gentle for a lazy weekend, inspired by the beautiful guitar playing of mr panu moon. [b]you[/b] you came and sat under ...
... grasshopper, after playing with it) ... and contrasting that undeniable terror (from the grasshopper's view) with manufactured tran
february (alpha unit cold winter mix) i was playing around in the awesome free tracker/vst host application psycle using the free synth1 ...
fruitless i just started playing something else other than lisa's chords to this, and, what do you know? something fit. media,remix,bpm_b...
...a salas de mayr for playing the flute part and many thanks to susan for uploading this wonderful acapella. [i]as always: if you t
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