Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 4284 - 4296 of 4532 matches total
some song this is two guitars playing a funky chord progression in [b]4/4 time[/b] at [b]100 bpm[/b] - have fun playing with it. sample,m...
... your windows media player it captures how it suppossed to sound** media,remix,how_i_did_it,bpm_070_075,downtempo,drums,experimental]efx's label's web site[/url]. doing this was a stretch for me, and it still has some rough edges. one of the synthy sounds
...ional cultural fund website the singer is kulcsã¡r mã¡ria, who was born in 1932, gyimesbã¼kk csã­k vm. transylvania collected by
tu corazon acoustic mix just for fun , here comes an acoustic version of tu corazon , where i play my 12 strinp acoustic guitar. media,re...
...d distract the interplay of the piano and sax. would appreciate any comments. enjoy, pd media,remix,bpm_070_075,ambient,chill,
...ons are welcome. i played electric & acoustic guitars, bass, keys and even my old flute for this. i really love silvia. media,remix
...ecorded with sfz. i play the melody two times; the first one is dry and the second is with delay and a modulation effect (symphonic)
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