Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 372 - 384 of 700 matches total
...monies and perfecly balanced production. nice nice nice.
review of 'enamorada' by 'speck' nicely done panu. engaging storytelling with a perfectly balanced musical backdrop. so satisfying to set...
review of 'cry over you (black moon mix)' by 'sackjo22' wonderful balance of sound and texture -- the dubstep elements are tastefully pla...
...r. just exceptional balance between your arrangement and the vocal track. nice little lead break too. it's got a great almost analog
...arrangement is well balanced -- sweetly upbeat without ever stepping on the vox. bravo!
review of 'uke sounds' by 'colab' this is entirely lovely. all elements are balanced just so - like the strings that enter in the second ...
...hing is really well balanced, and even with a lot of effects going on, it never gets unfocused. great, great track. (btw - thi
review of 'beach blanket emergence' by 'sackjo22' great job jeris! snap!!!! another groovy and well balanced track -- seriously, what cou...
...erse and chorus are balanced well. solid hip hop track.
...king just the right balance between upbeat/laidback and having some serious musical smarts. [up][/up][up][/up]
... sons est super, la balance l'est ă©galement.dite moi, le site regorge de vă©ritables artistes qui valent de l'or...
review of 'i caught you' by 'bluemillenium' i am totally admiring of your work, vbravo! the balance of the sound is an example.
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