Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 228 - 240 of 304 matches total
a billion years trying something a little different with a bunch of preset instruments. wanted to do a standard minimal, progressive voc...
... incessessant propaganda feed gender hating, color hating, bigoted shit non thinking, knee jerk hypocrite treats his people like
...ion fixation, propaganda placation controlled like playstations overmedicated patients asphyxiated by diction, mental self restric
...gement is so very standard and it doesn't contain any samples from the community, but i've put the mix first so when you listen you' extremely high standards. again, this was an absolute honor to try and mold music to. my thanks to loveshadow and ccmixter for
last tanda announcement of the last tanda of the milonga. acappella,media,male_vocals,spoken_word,tango,attribution,audio,mp3,44k,mono,cb...
... for a relatively standard pop-rock arrangement. kept snowflake's vocals in its original sequence (her vocals are so good they didn'
...ves i'm not your standard comic book hero more like a shaken up mixture of ron jeremy, barry white eros and nero i'm not your
... need no left propaganda on my mind. "yes we can," "change," slowly occupy the brain. till marxist ways don't seem so strange.
temples this is composed as primarily a soundtrack piece, but it works as a standalone. i like this pella from amber and felt compelle...
...ns fair in golden sandals shod… the shimmering phoenix spreads its wings attended by the gods. as witness to these dazzling si
light in the temple lady frankincense can i have a world? your life is just a girl in a spotted dress. lady sandalwood it'll never be...
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