Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 1524 - 1536 of 1694 matches total
forgotten dreams the purple valleys far in the purple valleys of illusion i see her waiting, like the soul of music, with deep eyes, lovelier ...
stranger (pleasant dreams mix) slow and dreamy remix of stranger by davesant. vocals by davesant, key sample from duckett, guitar feedback sample...
lev-one in santiago this is just a pure remix to move the feet and the soul of the listener. enjoy! media,remix,bpm_125_130,bass,drums,electro,electro...
anticipation (ccmixspiracy trials) loveshadow's data in data out is one inspiration for this remix. i've been wanting to do a remix using some of the...
sh glissando guitar please feel free to use my glissando guitar parts for your own liking. i have made them for my ratpack remix. to make this sound y...
boy come over a track by ratpack, mixed in some glissando and gnome guitar and ambient synths and the beautyfull voice of calendargirl. first track i...
2007 sf carnaval parade percussion recordings of live drumming (and other instruments) from the 2007 san francisco carnaval parade. sample,media,brazi...
sanctuary ,acappella,media,non_commercial,audio,mp3,44k,stereo,cbr,electronic,
one world this song has been rattling around our "to be recorded" list for a while. we sang it once at an open mike where it was deemed too naive in ...
apres rien there are some great mixes of this already, but i couldn't resist the charms of barbarella's voice. don't reach for the mouse too quickly ...
pequennas alas (dogmix) a minimalist treatment of silviao's vocal. (i've uploaded the piano part as a separate sample) hope it's ok to repeat s.c....
histoire de rien histoire de rien (lyrics by [url=]ani casals[/url]) (music by ditto ditto) j'ai mange mon 4 heure...
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