Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 108 - 120 of 123 matches total
slater (* note for non-australians: a 'slater' is a wood-louse.) [b]slater[/b] never mind king of the jungle fame’s at food cha...
life & art (the perfect forgery mix) ~life and art~ in another life you circumnavigated australia adventure driving your kombi van as near to the ...
life and art includes didjeridoo#4.wav by fectoper (freesound) from [i]drifting toward light[...
in a groove i had the pleasure to work with the fabulous anchor mã©jans i asked him if he would be willing to collaborate on a tune and he accepted. w...
beach samples recording of waves lapping on an australian beach on a summers day. higher quality wav available on request (it's too big to upload). s...
pokarekare ana cover of a traditional new zealand love song. acappella,media,australia,female_vocals,vocals,non_commercial,audio,mp3,44k,stereo,cbr,8k...
611 main north road [b]611 main north road[/b] when we arrived in ’69, the house was standard housing trust dark, double brick sash windows, str...
something like egypt "something like egypt", by debbizo, from the poem cycle "an adelaide boy": [b][u]something like egypt[/b][/u] a week or so...
favor tweet rhythm boy remix i'm surprised this vocal hasn't been used more, given how beautiful it is. i like the challenge of working with contrasti...
sitting bull stole my didgeridoo a digression there is a little known story of the australian convict john o’rourke and sitting bull. o’rour...
diploma - rhythm boy remix a classic italian/latin disco house feel over these fantastic brazilian vocals, remixed by an australian! edit: new vers...
october (jungle mix) this remix uses extensive samples from the wonderful creative commons field recording album: we004 lori beckstead & dave rose ...
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