Imagination Rising Remix Event

Reviews for "Un Rien Suffit"

Un Rien Suffit
by texasradiofish
Recommends (10)
Sat, Oct 27, 2018 @ 3:21 PM

Uses samples from:

permalink   Sun, Oct 28, 2018 @ 12:51 AM
I have never been a great lover of hip hop. I have remixed it in the past but it usually ended up with just a little hip and no hop!!

Your mix defies my resistance to this art form and goes to prove you can make a silk purse out of a sows ear!
permalink   texasradiofish Sun, Oct 28, 2018 @ 6:32 PM
Thanks for looking at the purse. You are too kind.

We know too little about hip hop and rarely listen to it for entertainment or dance. However, we try to mix many genres for the experience including ones we do not favor.

We do know a little about creating and mixing synth bass and drum machine style loops and patterns. And, so we treated this remix as such. After listening to some reportedly hip hop bass and drums that seem to fit the pell, we were able to mimic da beat.

Using a blues guitar lead and reggae style rhythm guitar is a further clue that we are not hip hoppers but rather fusion vatos. We fuse together all kinds of samples and pells with our personal preferences using our limited musical, audio engineering and production palette ‘;0)

Kind of like being in a local chitlin’ circuit or garage band. Play whatever the singer and other players require using ubiquitous three maybe four chord pop, blues or rock skills and experience.
permalink   Mon, Oct 29, 2018 @ 10:00 AM
Nicework Texasradiofish, nice synchro, nice mix, nice bassline thank
permalink   Sun, Jun 23, 2019 @ 10:26 AM
Head nod activated