Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress

Reviews for "Beautiful Mystery (SAW mix w/stems)"

Beautiful Mystery (SAW mix w/...
by stellarartwars
Recommends (7)
Thu, Dec 4, 2014 @ 11:52 PM

Uses samples from:

Admiral Bob
permalink   Fri, Dec 5, 2014 @ 4:01 AM
I really like this. I like how it is changed up without really changing the tone or melody of the song. I like how you handled the ending with the deep drumming. :)
permalink   stellarartwars Fri, Dec 5, 2014 @ 3:53 PM
I’ve enjoyed making 80s pop remixes of many of your songs. I try to leave in the general arrangement and your superb live guitar work (and sometimes piano too)

Thank you for sharing.

You might have noted the rather bitter sounding rants in some of my more recent uploads. I’m actually a Christian, and believe in the small l liberal- even conservative to some extent- idea of free trades, markets, proper families, freedom etc- but our business and my wife has been under sustained attack from the corrupt state here in the UK since 1997- including poisoning, false imprisonment and beatings from thugs that the police don’t seem to care about :)

Sites like this allow us to work at all (We’re on a few no fly lists as are many non-criminals and non-extremists) and we’d rather work for nothing than give up.

Thank you to all those at CCMixter who believe in free music- not just stuff like free downloads, selling records is fine, but free music as separate words- music that frees rather than represses.

Thank you once again!
Steven M Bryant
permalink   Sat, Dec 6, 2014 @ 1:14 PM
Very nice work..The Admiral did a superb job on this one!