Celebratory Secret Mixter!

Reviews for "The Past Is An Illusion (So Them Say)"

The Past Is An Illusion (So T...
by Speck
Recommends (8)
Fri, Aug 9, 2024 @ 4:02 AM
permalink   Sat, Aug 10, 2024 @ 11:02 AM
Super chill, love the change-ups, it shows how strong the synth pad is!
The vibraphone gives it a jazzy feel, an all around downtempo chill :)
Many thanks for including me in this remix, very relaxing :)

Ps. The file in question is still here:
Them Say(sample)
It will (currently) indicate that it’s unavailable for viewing. You’d have to reach out to Darkroom to determine why, but there’s a good chance he wouldn’t mind.

To cite something that doesn’t show up in the Search field, you’ll need to manually enter the attribution in the file description (standard TASL format). More info here.

All the info you need is in the mp3 header (metadata), but in the event that you didn’t download an mp3 with that info, you can put as much info as you have in the description, and we can help fill in the blanks (sometimes a quick search of your browser history can identify the name of the zip it’s from, or the file name of a flac with the download name, etc.). Citing any upload of theirs as a sample source for the purposes of a placeholder should be acceptable, as long as it’s explained in the description as well. In the rare event that all of the material used in a remix doesn’t show up in a search in the process of a new file submission, you may have to reach out to the artist(s) before uploading, or add material to your remix that can be cited.

*The Creative Commons license, as long as the original upload abides by the rules for which it is made (such as having all rights to materials) is ongoing, even if it’s not available for download.*

Click here for more info.

TL;DR: You’re okay to use something not found in the search field and just select something else of theirs as a placeholder, as long as you put as much info about what you actually used in the file description.
permalink   Speck Sat, Aug 10, 2024 @ 1:22 PM
Thank you.
So, if I’m reading it right (you’re way more computer literate than I am) he didn’t delete it but he did unpublish it. Interesting that I could still access it through the older sample search mechanism (which is better than the new one in my opinion).
Maybe in future I’ll check to see if all the samples I found are still attributable before I start mixing.
I do remember Panu once pointed out your asterisk bracketed info so I felt ok about uploading it.
Of course if Darkroom hears it and objects I will take it down.
permalink   Apoxode Sat, Aug 10, 2024 @ 5:05 PM
You’re welcome, Speck :)
Yes, you got it exactly.
It’s possible that it may have been unpublished between the time you last accessed it and when you began searching for it in the file submission form.
Admiral Bob
permalink   Mon, Aug 12, 2024 @ 6:08 AM
The big haunting ethereal sound overlaying all the earthy percussion, and yet tracking all its changes, gives this kind of a sophisticated orchestration that took me through about 3 acts… maybe more :)
permalink   Fri, Aug 16, 2024 @ 11:10 AM
I love your work so much, bravo for that.
permalink   Speck Fri, Aug 16, 2024 @ 1:06 PM
Your wonderful synths, both the whistle and the pad, really make this one sing.