Imagination Rising Remix Event

Reviews for "You cost a fortune (Nostalgic Mix)"

You cost a fortune (Nostalgic...
by ScOmBer
Recommends (4)
Wed, Oct 22, 2008 @ 8:11 PM

Uses samples from:

Des Baies
permalink   Thu, Oct 23, 2008 @ 9:17 AM
Great duet !
Very nice mood in this one.

aw, but why is this child crying so much ?
ditto ditto
permalink   Mon, Nov 3, 2008 @ 9:36 AM
!!!! But this is excellent. What a good idea of mixing..! It’s a hit.. no more no less !
permalink   ScOmBer Mon, Nov 3, 2008 @ 12:41 PM
Thanks Ditto Ditto. Being a pop theory tragic my mission in the studio is to breed “earworms”. You know the critters; that stupid song that you can’t get out of your head (no matter how bad or lame it is) until it is replaced by another. Thanks for your kind words.