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Reviews for "HR676: We want health justice"

HR676: We want health justice
by lonnie
Recommends (20)
Wed, May 11, 2011 @ 10:53 AM

Uses samples from:

Admiral Bob
permalink   Wed, May 11, 2011 @ 3:31 PM
That’s a lot of intelligent writing packed into a pretty tight set of verses.

As a Canadian, this is one topic I can never really understand; it just seems like a no-brainer to me. How can you be a competitive society when so many people are terrified of financial ruin or ruinous illness?

Universal health care was not the ruin of our society. Quite the contrary, its a huge relief to know its there when you need it. Up here, its a general consensus between both left and right that universal health care is both just and smart.

Any way, I’m Canadian, so maybe I’m not smart enough to understand how its supposed to work. :)
permalink   lonnie Wed, May 11, 2011 @ 6:43 PM
Thanks for the kind words. It’s good to have this contribution from someone who is looking at our situation from the outside.

It’s quite sad to hear the lies in this country about the Canadian system when, like you said, it’s something Canadians are in a general consensus about and are really proud of.

I think once Americans have actually traveled a bit outside the country or at least had some serious and honest conversations about healthcare with people who live in other developed nations, it’s hard to not see our system as a failure.

Of course, serious and honest conversations don’t exactly pay the campaign bills.

So here we are, more to be done. Let’s hope a bit of music can be a part of moving toward something better.

Thanks again.
permalink   Zep Hurme Wed, May 11, 2011 @ 10:32 PM
I’ve also been baffled by how easily many people in US are lead to believe the soundbites big money controlled media (FauxNews and so on) is pushing like “we have the best healthcare in the world”. Clearly I’m not talking about the people visiting ccMixter. In Finland, like in many european coutries, we have actual system that covers us all and we still get high quality care like in Bob’s Canada - just like you tell in this song. It’s like some kind of weird alternate reality in the US in this subject. Keep it up, Lonnie! Good work!
permalink   Wed, May 11, 2011 @ 9:47 PM
poetic, prophetic.