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Reviews for "Electro-Mortgage Blues"

Electro-Mortgage Blues
by gurdonark
Recommends (8)
Sun, Aug 20, 2006 @ 5:12 AM

Samples are used in:

permalink   Tue, Oct 10, 2006 @ 7:03 PM
this is remarkable. how did you do it?

Can I put this on my next album somewhere with attribution?
permalink   gurdonark Wed, Oct 11, 2006 @ 11:47 AM
I slowed the first thirty seconds of the song, and, if I recall correctly, altered the pitch slightly. I put the factory sample as the foundation under the song. I slowed the under alien waves a bit and used it as additional highlight, and further added the crabs sample as an informal instrumental break.

You may put is on your next album, if you wish, with attribution to me and to the other people who contributed samples under the sampling plus. Although I think the title amusing, you may even change the title if it would be easier for you to do so in light of the mortgage business thing. :). Thanks for asking.

Someday I’ll get a remix of your vocals right—I’ve been playing your songs in my mp3 player a fair bit (or rather, remixes of your songs from here and “plaisir”), and always enjoy hearing you sing.