Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Reviews for "time in september"

time in september
by delmo
Recommends (4)
Thu, Jul 30, 2009 @ 1:10 PM

Uses samples from:

Scott Altham
permalink   Sat, Aug 8, 2009 @ 3:13 AM
This is the type of experimental electronica I look for and hope to find on this site (though it isn’t found often).

This is a style of music I love and you’ve created a very pro sounding journey with this track. Although relatively minimalistic, I can appreciate the attention to detail that goes into this type of music.

If this doesn’t get hit up with lots of reviews, thats just purely because its a specialized style and you’ve nailed it.

Great Job
permalink   delmo Sat, Aug 8, 2009 @ 2:48 PM
Thanks for the comment. I did spend a lot of time on it and then when nobody recommended or even commented I really thought I screwed it up somehow and started wondering what others were hearing that I was not. I know we all have our bad moments but I usually recognize them and I just could not see it here. So it is good to know that I was not entirely off the mark. In a nutshell your comments are truly appreciated.