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Reviews for "Sunrise"

by Chandan Boruah
Recommends (2)
Wed, Jun 23, 2010 @ 2:46 AM

Uses samples from:

Admiral Bob
permalink   Wed, Jun 23, 2010 @ 7:40 AM
No, I would say that its not. Your piece is 162 bpm, which should line up with the original’s 81 bpm, but for whatever reason - placement, your arrangements, it sounds like a fairly accidental transposition. It sounds like her voice is about 2 quarter notes and change ahead of the beat.

Your music is in a different key than the vocal, which if I remember right, is in Bb major. You seem to be in Eb, which is a related key, but not close enough to really make this sound like it fits.

I would say if you want to make this fit better, transpose your instrumental up or down to Bb, and perhaps play with the placement of the vocal. That should give you a good result.

Those are just my suggestions anyway.
permalink   Chandan Boruah Wed, Jun 23, 2010 @ 8:49 AM
thank u for your valuable advice :). How to know the key?
permalink   Admiral Bob Wed, Jun 23, 2010 @ 9:02 AM
For myself, I can just “hear” the key. When you hear the melody, hum the note that seems to be at the root of it, and then find the note on a piano. There’s your key.

There might be tools that can help, like Chordata. But you’d have to put the guitar or piano part of the original through to get it.
