Reviews for "Darkdrumloop1 Remix"
Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
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Fri, Apr 29, 2005 @ 6:46 PM
The following phrase was left on Cynthusia’s page…………………………………………………………………………………………."Couple of things. First, I probably would’ve never gotten around to listening to this had I not been curious about the remix. An observation in validation, I guess. ……..As for the track, this may sound a bit strange - but I really find myself wandering off to an imaginary hospital to visit a patient in a tragic situation. The percussion reminds of a heart beat through a stethoscope or that of an unborn child during a sonogram. The strings add instense drama and the "pi-i-i-i-ng" bell-like instrument reminds of the bilp on a heart rate monitor. I like the tracks ambient nature, its just funny how music can create thoughts. This would be great on a score, too……………………………………….Ok, for some reason I’ve really been wigging out lately when it comes to reviews and forum posts. The song I reviewed was actually this song. So no need to re-review. I just cant figure out how I’m making these crazy simpleton errors.