Reviews for "DEEP_FIELD_cosmic background radiation VOX"

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Mon, Nov 19, 2007 @ 4:32 AM
I am always glad to hear new spoken word pieces posted.
I think I can do something with this. When you upload things like this, it’s far better for the remixter if you refrain from adding fx to the voice, as that liberates the remixer to add the fx that best fit the remix. Just your unadorned voice, perhaps with dynamics adjusted if your mike is imperfect, is all that’s desirable. Speaking for me only, I tend to prefer spoken word tracks to be 1:00 to 2:00 in length, as that length is easy to space to fit a 3:00 to 4:00 piece. Here, in “nerdcore” tradition, you could have related that bit of Hubble talk to your own life, for example :). I’ll give a go at remixing this into something in the next few weeks—unless you’re going to upload something a bit longer and without fx, which would be even more fun. |
yeah, sorry bout this, I only had the effects version for upload. maybe I can re-record this as “dry”
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Mon, Nov 19, 2007 @ 5:30 AM
I know why you wanted the FX on it, but a dry version would be good… how ‘bout something on Bose-Einstein condensates, Turing machines, or the Drake equation?
;) |
this is a good idea, I just did a post on my blog about the wolfram 2,3 turing machine being solved.
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Tue, Jan 15, 2008 @ 6:33 PM
1 - Most people want dry cuts.
2 - Most people want quality cuts, ie, recorded in a dead room with a good mic and no background noise. 3 - Sorry for being harsh but you’re wasting your own time and other peoples by uploading bad quality. You have a cool voice and words, do them some real justice and invest in a good mic and treat your recording room. |