RSVP for Jul 28 Livestream

Reviews for "Loaded with Vitriol Pell"

Loaded with Vitriol Pell
by SackJo22
Recommends (19)
Thu, Dec 29, 2011 @ 9:39 PM
Kara Square
permalink   Mon, Jan 2, 2012 @ 1:12 PM
Cool, cool, cool… you sound seriously cool in this track. :) I like punk-SackJo. Of course, those harmonies are delicious and the one you’ve got in the background in a bit of a telephone effect is extra cool. You mentioned production… when I do a vocal track, I always go back through and delete the space between phrases. Even if it doesn’t visually show up, there’s usually a bit of bleed (backing track in the case of this- for me it’s usually the crinkle of paper from holding the lyrics). I’ll even delete breaths- especially when I’m doubling the track… one breath sounds natural and two (or three, etc.) can sound like a whirl-wind.
Donnie Drost
permalink   Tue, Jan 3, 2012 @ 11:33 AM
Damn good pella, Susan” It’s already very popular, seems every second remix uses your pella at the moment…
permalink   Sun, Jan 8, 2012 @ 3:39 PM
Nice pell Susan!!!
Coram Deo Productions
permalink   Mon, Mar 5, 2012 @ 3:43 AM
Great Vocals and lyrics, Audiotechnica’s guitar was hot sshhhttt :). and TheDice’s mix was awsome… what yall put together i had to use in my independent short movie thanks and keep up the great job