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Reviews for "Fainn De Uorl"

Fainn De Uorl
by Pitx
Recommends (11)
Thu, Nov 10, 2011 @ 10:34 AM
permalink   Thu, Nov 10, 2011 @ 3:12 PM
thank the powers that be for the wooden woman. she speaks to us in her own language of love that can never be stolen.
permalink   Pitx Fri, Nov 11, 2011 @ 11:22 AM
La guitarra by Federico Garcia Lorca (Translation after original in spanish)

Empieza el llanto
de la guitarra.
Se rompen las copas
de la madrugada.
Empieza el llanto
de la guitarra.
Es inútil callarla.
Es imposible
Llora monótona
como llora el agua,
como llora el viento
sobre la nevada
Es imposible
Llora por cosas
Arena del Sur caliente
que pide camelias blancas.
Llora flecha sin blanco,
la tarde sin mañana,
y el primer pájaro muerto
sobre la rama
¡Oh guitarra!
Corazón malherido
por cinco espadas

The guitar by federico Garcia Lorca

It begins, the lament
of the guitar.
The wineglass of dawn
is broken.
It begins, the lament
of the guitar.
It’s useless to silence it.
to silence it.
It cries monotonously
as the water cries,
as the wind cries
over the snow.
to silence it.
It cries for
distant things.
Sands of the hot South
that demand white camellias.
It cries arrows with no targets,
evening with no morning,
and the first dead bird
on the branch.
Oh, the guitar!
Heart wounded deep
by five swords.

Translated by A. S. Kline
Kara Square
permalink   Mon, Nov 14, 2011 @ 12:02 PM
Lovely sample, Pitx.