RSVP for Jul 28 Livestream

Reviews for "Our Generation"

Our Generation
by MartynJoseph2000
Recommends (2)
Tue, Sep 23, 2008 @ 2:15 PM

Uses samples from:

permalink   Fri, Sep 26, 2008 @ 11:43 AM
had to have a few listens to this and i like what youve done here :-)
permalink   MartynJoseph2000 Fri, Sep 26, 2008 @ 12:46 PM
Cheers for the comment mate.
are you a vocalist then? Im out all weekend now but will check some of your material out next week, Ive only just started using cc mixter and it’s a wicked site.
Where are you from mate?

permalink   beckfords Wed, Oct 1, 2008 @ 12:24 PM
just tryin to get ma voice back, im from the midlands uk.
permalink   MartynJoseph2000 Wed, Aug 19, 2009 @ 10:49 AM

How you doing man? It’s been so long since Ive been on here. Ive only just seen your reply that you sent last oct. Sorry for the delay but I haven’t been using this because my internet is was so slow round here it just wasn’t worth using. It’s much better now so will be using this more now!

Do you fancy working on some material? Im working on a new project with a mate of mine, we’re looking at eventually playing the tracks out live using Ableton Live. Got a few deep house tracks that I think would sound really good with some character lyrics on. If you’re up for it Ill send a few tracks to you, see what you think?

Let me know if you’re up for that mate.

Im from Anglesey, North Wales.

permalink   beckfords Wed, Aug 19, 2009 @ 2:13 PM
yeh bro , bring it on lol, always willing to work on new projects, peace!
permalink   MartynJoseph2000 Wed, Aug 19, 2009 @ 3:00 PM
Nice one mate. :-)

Just finished a rough draft of a deep funky little number Ive been working on. What do you use to record? I could send you a copy of the track as a wav file and see what you can come up with? If you get something down then send your accapella back to me and Ill put it into the track. Sound like a plan?

Let me know mate.

take it easy.


p.s. Ive also been in touch with a wicked horn player to do some stuff with, waiting for her to get back to me. :-)
permalink   beckfords Thu, Aug 20, 2009 @ 1:38 PM
sounds fine bro, i use ableton live 7.03.. drop an email .. peace!
permalink   beckfords Thu, Aug 20, 2009 @ 1:38 PM
sounds fine bro, i use ableton live 7.03.. drop an email .. peace!
permalink   Wed, May 6, 2009 @ 3:19 PM
This is really good - it’s simple, yet effective. It takes a very simple groove and works it to its maximum effect - what deep (pure?) house is about, imo.

Good work man! It’s on my mp3 player.
permalink   MartynJoseph2000 Wed, Aug 19, 2009 @ 10:23 AM

Thanks for the comments mate. Much appreciated. Haven’t been on here for ages as it hasn’t been working very well on my internet here which was at a very slow speed. It’s a bit faster now. :-)

Working on loads of new stuff at the moment which Ill put up on here as soon as any of them are finished.
permalink   MartynJoseph2000 Wed, Aug 19, 2009 @ 10:42 AM
Just had a listen to your stuff I like it! Definitely got your own style. I like the motherless child track. Think the chords could do with tugging back a bit, maybe adding some more reverb would work in this case? What software/hardware do you use mate? Whereabouts are you from?