
Reviews for "October (harsh mix)"

permalink   Sat, Feb 2, 2008 @ 8:20 AM
Any mix subtitled harsh mix captures my noise-affinities right off the bat.

The harshness here and the pulsing beat make for a very interesting treatment of this ‘pella. The reason there is a grain, after all, is to permit one to cut against it.

The thing I like here is that all your high-pitched manipulations are not just random experiment, but actually serve the mix well.

The net effect is something workable on the dancefloor but also workable as a headphone extravaganza.

This quirky bit of electronica fun is a fun mix.
permalink   Login_Name Mon, Feb 4, 2008 @ 10:23 AM
Wow, your review is a professional one! Glad this mix attracted your attention. Thank you very much, Gurdonark.