Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Reviews for "Andromeda"

by Javolenus
Recommends (12)
Wed, Oct 31, 2012 @ 11:04 PM

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Wired Ant
permalink   Fri, Nov 2, 2012 @ 5:02 AM
What a extraordinary idea to choose and fix the theme by random!
But no task Javolenus could not solve!

Your remix reminds me of a 1970ties sci-fi movie where a huge space ship carrys and preserves the last trees, plants and vegetables of a destroyed and nuclear contaminated earth. The last crew member has three roboters as assistants.
At last, after a tragedy or a self destruct order (I forgot) only one if this huge glass domes carrying a beautiful garden is slowly drifting through space. When the camera zoomes in you see the last of the robots nursing plants with a water can. This last scenery moved and is moving me for all my life.
I think Andromeda would be the perfect soundtrack for this last minutes of the movie. When your guitar () starts, the robot starts pouring water out of his can (GOOSEBUMPS)!!!

Thanks Javo for this outstanding remix and triggering this movie again (with the better soundtrack)
permalink   Javolenus Fri, Nov 2, 2012 @ 5:59 AM
Many thanks indeed for this! I love your synth grooves and try to do something good. The main thing for me here was what to do with the guitar? I recorded about 12 minutes of guitar impro and used only a few phrases that seemed to fit. And I remember that movie too! It was really great and I think was called “Silent Running”. Thanks again for generous and thoughtful review!
permalink   Wired Ant Fri, Nov 2, 2012 @ 6:25 AM
The guitar is perfect!!!
Thanks for the movie title! As we have translated ones (often with some interpretations) it was called “Lautlos im Weltraum”. Sounds like a bait for vocoding people ;)
permalink   Sat, Nov 3, 2012 @ 6:23 PM
I like Wired Ant’s memory of the film that he associated your mix with. It sort of gave the mix a new feeling and direction.

That blind sampling worked a treat here.
permalink   Javolenus Sun, Nov 4, 2012 @ 1:34 AM
Hi RT and thanks for this. Yeah, I really appreciated WA’s review, which shows how music evokes memories and is linked with images. I had some fun with this and learned some new guitar tricks. Thanks again for the feedback!