Imagination Rising Remix Event

Reviews for "Matter of Time (Mumblemix)"

Matter of Time (Mumblemix)
by Incoherent Mumble Train
Recommends (5)
Fri, Jul 4, 2008 @ 6:15 PM

Uses samples from:

Samples are used in:

ditto ditto
permalink   Sat, Jul 5, 2008 @ 9:55 AM
Brilliant…One more time. You’ve been really inspired with this one. Your magical “touch” of arpeggiator is always so good. That remember me your famous “February”…
Just a detail disturbs me..the placement of the voice in the mix but i know that it’s your choice. But for me, it’s a little pity because your work around the voice is excellent, just a little loosen sometimes for my ears.
But, one more time Great job
..i’m jalous…;-)
permalink   Incoherent Mumble Train Sat, Jul 5, 2008 @ 7:57 PM
To be honest, that’s the part of the song that I labored the most on.

I just couldn’t get the voice to sit comfortably in the mix, generally because I always have so much going on in my mixes that share the same frequency range as the vocals.

The reason I don’t place the voice higher in the mix is because it tends to drown out everything else and make everything sound like a MIDI accompaniment instead of a complete unit.

I appreciate your comment Ditto, because it’s accurate, and also, because it’s YOU! :-D

Let’s hear some more critique! This boy needs to learn!