
Reviews for "4NSIC VS DRASMATICA (Freestyle RMX)"

Recommends (2)
Sun, Sep 23, 2007 @ 6:03 AM

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Clarance Boddyker
permalink   Fri, Jan 25, 2008 @ 1:29 AM
Is that a cello bass? This has a slinky menace and coolness to it that cannot be denied.

I could not turn this off or fast forward, I wanted to see where you would take it. Even at over 6 minutes, this track to me was more than satisfying.

The pells are synched and the music really compliments 4NSIC & Drasmatica, I would buy this track.

The vibe reminds me of 2 groups, The Pharcyde and The Boogiemonsters (Recognized Thresholds of Negative Stress). This just reminds me of the spirited and radical experimentalism of those groups.

Even when I thought this beat was getting monotonous, you add an augmented beat at 3:50 that is SLAMMIN!!!!!!!!!! Operation headnod has been accomplished.

Is that some type of chanting in the background too, just around 3:50 in the background with the 3rd rapper? Well done, like steak. Also I like how you gave a CB radio, static-type effect on the pell of the 3rd rapper, like a bad phone line connection (well, unless that effect existed in the original pell)

Those string or organ type sounds made for great transitions. They didn’t sound pasted on, they sounded woven into and out of the track.

I really like there were no chorus, the transitions really work.

The vibe and experimental underground mood coming off this track is infectious and sound custom made for 4NSIC and Drasmatica. This track is bulletproof.

You definitely have a distinctive sound going here, you make me even enjoy your club/dance/techno music, and I am not used to that sound or style of music.

I can’t say enough good things about your production skills. You should be posting more music on CC.
permalink   DISTROKER Fri, Jan 25, 2008 @ 7:44 AM
First many thanks for all your cool reviews!!! :)

I make this track with a software called Magix Music Maker and you’re right this is a cello bass coupled with different bass lines and effects too.

I try to do my best with my possibilities and I’m glad you like it. Download it if you want!

Sorry for my bad english but I’m french so if you don’t understand one word tell me I will try to translate it :)

Best regards!