RSVP for Jul 28 Livestream

Reviews for "distance ft. urmymuse"

distance ft. urmymuse
by Apoxode
Recommends (16)
Sat, Apr 27, 2024 @ 10:10 PM

Samples are used in:

permalink   Sat, Apr 27, 2024 @ 10:52 PM
Nicely done indeed! I dig the spacious swampy groove and I LOOOOOVE the finger cymbal sound. Urmymuse sounds sweet in here. Bravo!
permalink   Apoxode Sun, Apr 28, 2024 @ 1:02 PM
Thank you so much, SackJo22, I’m happy you enjoyed it :)
permalink   Sat, Apr 27, 2024 @ 11:25 PM
*a profound comment about the cyclical nature of the universe*
permalink   Apoxode Sun, Apr 28, 2024 @ 1:04 PM
lol, and a kindred reflection upon said profundity :)
Thanks, Vidian :)
permalink   Sun, Apr 28, 2024 @ 12:49 AM
Clean open production. Love the punchy drums and the oriental feel of this track. Good work.
permalink   Apoxode Sun, Apr 28, 2024 @ 1:05 PM
Thank you so much, Rewob, I appreciate your encouragement :)
permalink   Sun, Apr 28, 2024 @ 3:05 AM
Ha - what a coincidence !

Thanks for giving me a nudge into the mixter!

You dug deep into my back catalouge here - very nice result, i would never have thought of combing those two together

Bravo and ta
permalink   Apoxode Sun, Apr 28, 2024 @ 1:06 PM
Right on, thank you so much urmymuse!
I’m especially pleased you enjoyed the remix :)
permalink   Sun, Apr 28, 2024 @ 4:07 AM
a sublime, well crafted combination of tracks
permalink   Apoxode Sun, Apr 28, 2024 @ 1:06 PM
Sweet, thank you so much, airtone, I appreciate that :)
permalink   Sun, Apr 28, 2024 @ 10:05 AM
The essence of this kind of contests
permalink   Apoxode Sun, Apr 28, 2024 @ 1:07 PM
Right on, thank you Carosone, I love the spirit of collaboration :)
permalink   Sun, Apr 28, 2024 @ 1:22 PM
Great balance of style Apoxode! I hear both of you in this ethereal soundscape you’ve created.
permalink   Apoxode Mon, Apr 29, 2024 @ 3:25 PM
Right on, that means a lot, spinningmerkaba, thank you :)
permalink   Sun, Apr 28, 2024 @ 1:31 PM
wow i didn’t realize urmymuse invited you to your first event, and that you drew him after the invite! what a poetic circle of symmetry. this track sounds like that circle connecting the two of you — with urmymuse’s iconic guitar tones wrapped in the rhythms and arrangement only created by Apoxode. beautifully crafted from start to finish!!
permalink   Apoxode Mon, Apr 29, 2024 @ 3:27 PM
Thank you so much, Snowflake, I appreciate that a lot — cosmic cycles are awesome :)
permalink   Sun, Apr 28, 2024 @ 5:02 PM
bien bien great music
permalink   Apoxode Mon, Apr 29, 2024 @ 3:28 PM
Muchas gracias, mes amis :)
Admiral Bob
permalink   Sun, Apr 28, 2024 @ 7:15 PM
The remixes I’ve loved this cycle are the ones that sound like the source artist. And the “wall of guitars” sound UrMyMuse has definitely comes through here - with enough space and airiness that every note rings out clear and true.
permalink   Apoxode Mon, Apr 29, 2024 @ 3:38 PM
Right on, thank you so much, Admiral Bob, and many thanks for participating in this event :)
permalink   Fri, May 3, 2024 @ 1:43 AM
groovy with a beat
permalink   Apoxode Mon, May 6, 2024 @ 12:37 PM
Right on, thank you so much :)