Waxi & Dr.0+ (Dr. O Positive):

Waxi & Dr.0+ (Dr. O Positive)

About Me
Hi i’m Lars.. I’m 15 years old and i’m from Holland (rijssen)..
I started creating music 4 years ago with Dance ejay:P.. then i started working with magix music maker and this year i started creating music with fruity loops..

my music styles are: Hardcore,Terror,Speedcore and i have a little bit of trance..

ps. I’m sorry for my bad english:P
Member since
Fri, Aug 19, 2005
Feeds and Podcasts for Waxi & Dr.0+ (Dr. O Positive)
Waxi & Dr.0+ (Dr. O Positive) has no remixes and has not been remixed
Review Stats
Waxi & Dr.0+ (Dr. O Positive) has left 2 reviews and has been reviewed 12 times