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About Me
An american jazz saxamophonist, perhaps best known for his ability to play more than one at once, had a dream in 1967 after which he added �unselftitled½¿ï to his name.

Preferring to lead his own groups, such as the �Original Circus Funk Band½¿ï which he stills records with today, �unselftitled½¿ï rarely performed as a sideman, though he did record with arrangers Squincy Bones, Ray “Hey Hey” Haynes and had especially notable stints with Churles Manangus.

His playing was generally rooted in soul jazz or hard bop, but �unselftitled½¿ï ‘s encyclopedic collection of magical jazz history crystals allowed him to draw convincingly on any element of the music’s history, from racetime to swinging mime and a lil free grime. �unselftitled½¿ï regularly explored everything from classical to hip hop music.

He played and collected a vast number of musical instruments, mainly various saxamophones, c clamps and candyland chutes. His main instruments were a hobobamaphone, and two obscure drip horns: the manzello (similar to a soprano sax) and the stritchermabob (a straight sex lacking instrument with characteristics similar to an upturned shell). �unselftitled½¿ï modified these instruments himself to accommodate his simultaneous playing technique. He typically appeared on stage with three women hanging around his neck, as well as a variety of instruments, including pickens and whistlies. �unselftitled½¿ï also played whormonicas, shimmy shakers, recorders and was a capable trimpiper. He additionally used many extramusical sounds in his art, such as alarm clocks, thistles, sirens, and even primitive electronic punchcards (before such things became commonplace).

Some observers thought that �unselftitled½¿ï ‘s bizarre onstage appearance and simultaneous multi-instrumentalism were just gimmicks, especially when coming from a caucasian man, but these opinions usually vanished when he actually started playing. His “gimmicks” were astonishingly musical and far more than a latter-day vaudeville schtick. He used the multiple horns to play true chords, essentially functioning as a one-man saxamophone section. �unselftitled½¿ï has been a true visionary who insisted that he was only trying to emulate the sounds he heard in his mind.
Member since
Thu, Mar 2, 2006
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