Imagination Rising Remix Event
Tue, Feb 11 4:31 AM The Big OT :: Open Reel Ensemble
Here's something you don't see/hear every day.
Thu, Jan 2 8:35 AM Help :: How do upload limits work?
I knew this at one point. Snowflake did spell it out somewhere but I can't remem...
Mon, Dec 30 10:29 AM Help :: How do upload limits work?
I'm not too sure myself but I think it's: Two remixes a week 1 sample a week ...
Tue, Nov 26 9:36 AM Announcements :: Endurance Secret Mixter
"This is our second Secret Mixter in a row where every single musician who signe...
Wed, Oct 30 4:39 AM The Big OT :: Remix of YouTube Musical Performances
Beautiful! Thanks for pointing it out.
Tue, Sep 10 4:13 AM Announcements :: Beauty of Perspectives Remix Event
And I don't want to add to the troubles but just FYI (in case it wasn't known) i...
Tue, Sep 10 3:46 AM Announcements :: Beauty of Perspectives Remix Event
I second that gratitude. Sounds like it was a rather troublesome weekend, tech-w...
Mon, May 13 5:50 AM Announcements :: Secret Mixter: Temperate Transitions
Hey, I didn't know about that way to find samples either. And I've been here for...
Fri, May 10 3:44 AM The Big OT :: Actually this is VERY much on topic - Magazine interview of ccM-er Emily aka Mdm Snowflake
That's a good read and a pretty comprehensive peek behind the avatar. Thanks for...
Wed, May 1 1:18 PM Help :: Quota for uploading
Also - you can put multiple samples in a .zip (single upload, multiple files). C...
Wed, Apr 17 2:54 AM Announcements :: Secret Mixter: Temperate Transitions
Just a friendly question/heads up - So it's Temperate? The banner and the page t...
Mon, Apr 8 2:50 PM Announcements :: Cold Ears (Kalte Ohren) Remix Context
You absolutely deserve it. I don't imagine there was even any discussion about i...
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