About Me
HI! I’m Madam Snowflake (aka Emily Richards).
I’m a co-founder and CEO of ArtisTech Media — the humble entity the operates ccMixter. We are an all-volunteer organization.
I’m passionate about creating music together through collaboration here in our community.
I’m mainly a songwriter, and have shared over 130 original vocals here at ccMixter. I love receiving remixes from you!
I am learning more about music production and welcome feedback — you can listen to my remixes on dig.ccMixter.
I’ve also started creating lyric videos from some of my favorite remixes you’ve given me, and a few remixes of my own — on my YouTube Channel. I’d love it if you subscribed.
My latest album New Earth was made possible through stems in this community and the masterful production of Nico Fyve.
ccMixter thrives through the generosity of community members like you - become a monthly contributor to ccMixter at Patreon.
Feel free to contact me with questions or comments re the site.
My links:
** YouTube
** Instagram
** Twitter
** Soundcloud
** Facebook
** TuneTrack
I’m a co-founder and CEO of ArtisTech Media — the humble entity the operates ccMixter. We are an all-volunteer organization.
I’m passionate about creating music together through collaboration here in our community.
I’m mainly a songwriter, and have shared over 130 original vocals here at ccMixter. I love receiving remixes from you!
I am learning more about music production and welcome feedback — you can listen to my remixes on dig.ccMixter.
I’ve also started creating lyric videos from some of my favorite remixes you’ve given me, and a few remixes of my own — on my YouTube Channel. I’d love it if you subscribed.
My latest album New Earth was made possible through stems in this community and the masterful production of Nico Fyve.
ccMixter thrives through the generosity of community members like you - become a monthly contributor to ccMixter at Patreon.
Feel free to contact me with questions or comments re the site.
My links:
** YouTube
** Soundcloud
** TuneTrack
Member since
Fri, Feb 3, 2006
Home Page
Feeds and Podcasts for Snowflake
Snowflake is found 1337 times in playlists
Snowflake has 137 remixes and has been remixed 2685 times.
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Review Stats
Snowflake has left 7414 reviews and has been reviewed 3231 times
Forum posts
Snowflake has posted 863 forum messages
What I Like
Tools I Use
ProTools_8, 003_Rck, Aux_Out_Speakers, Roland_Eidoral, Line_6, ATK4060, Kurzweil_K25000XS, Audix_OM5
What I'm Looking For