Branching Out Secret Mixter
Shoes (shoes):

Shoes (shoes)

About Me
I’m a scratch dj, graphics man. web designer, all around fidgiter. I like to play around with records and pictures- you can see some examples around my website. I get published a little and publish other peoples shit a lot. I sometimes write for a local magazine. I remix tunes and write new ones on my mac, which I love almost as much as my decks- oh yeah I can rub a little bit of vinyl too. Sometimes I like to play tunes with my friend Short faced beaR. Scratchings my favourite way to exercise my fingers.
You can find me here or at, or over at
Member since
Sun, Dec 19, 2004
Shoes is found 4 times in playlists
Shoes has 5 remixes and has been remixed once.
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Review Stats
Shoes has left 10 reviews and has been reviewed 20 times
Forum posts
Shoes has posted 4 forum messages