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About Me
1st place SoundClick for Rock in Spanish whit “Ay Princesa!!!”, december 2011. 2nd place SoundClick for Rock in Spanish whit “Juan Pablo”, january 2012. In 1997 at age 38 started to sing karaoke in Puerto La Cruz, AnzoĆ”tegui State, Venezuela. In 2008 Oscar participated in the Annual Song Festival of the Federation of Portuguese Clubs of Venezuela “Feceporven” held on July 11, 2009 in Valencia, Venezuela, with the song “El GorriĆ³n” (The Sparrow). This way, at his 49, Oscar would debut as singer. On November 20, 2009 Oscar received his first standing ovation when he performed in Portuguese language a “Fado de Lisboa”, now on Youtube. Nowadays his songs in English are transmitted on different Radio and TV Stations in English speaking countries. The same occurs with his songs in Portuguese language in Venezuela and other countries where inhabit important Portuguese Colonies. You can learn more about this artist at: http://oscarsilvafans.blogs... and
Member since
Tue, May 1, 2012
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