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About Me
Welcome to the Nimble Jim Project. I am a musician based out of St. Augustine, Florida. I started my little music career playing in Jazz Band in High school. When I finished college, I deejayed at a few after hours clubs in Jacksonville, then decided to start writing my own music instead of playing everyone else’s.

The music on this site spans from 1998 to today. I am in an acoustic rock band called Nimble Jim & the Ointment.

This site is devoted to all the music that I’ve written as a solo artist. Most of it will be electronic in nature, but I might throw in a few of my acoustic originals.

What you will find here are not just completed songs, but also song ideas that I’ve started and couldn’t finish, either because I had writers block, or because another song took precedence. If there is a song on here that you like and would like to add to and/or finish, by all means contact me and I will send you the individual tracks.

Also…if you are a remixer and would like to remix any of my songs…have at it. Like I said earlier just contact me and I’ll send you everything you need.

Thanks for checking me out…I hope you enjoy this little trip into some of the things, musically anyway, that are floating around in my head.
Member since
Tue, Oct 9, 2007
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