About Me
I like technology, and using it to my advantage.
I made my first mix of samples in 8th grade with acid wav (old version of ace of wav.)
I’m a phreaky hacker. Im in high school still, but 18, so its cool.
I made my first mix of samples in 8th grade with acid wav (old version of ace of wav.)
I’m a phreaky hacker. Im in high school still, but 18, so its cool.
Member since
Sat, Jan 8, 2005
Home Page
Feeds and Podcasts for Semaphore
Semaphore has no remixes and has not been remixed
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What I Like
Breakbeat, IDM, Industrial, Aphex_Twin, The_Strand, Squarepusher, Cynic_Project, Ray_Lynch, Goteki, Deathboy, Fatboy_Slim, Kraftwerk, Rammstein, The_Pillows, Plus_Tech_Squeeze_Box, Beethoven, The_Blue_Man_Group, Juno_Reactor, Crystal_Method, Chemical_Brothers, Stabbing_Westward, Venus_Hum
Tools I Use
PK11_Polyphonic_Keyboard, broken, but_I_pound_it, Variac_transformer_and_ch, wiener, Audio_Oxygen_8, Acid_4, Reason_2, FLStudio, Ace_of_Wav, and_various_Analog_X_soft
What I'm Looking For