Resilience Secret Mixter Mixing in Progress


About Me
Mexican student living in Germany. I study languages, work in a small publishing house in Mexico, and in my free time make beats. I’m 22 years old and have always wanted to create music with my computer, but I never had the aproppriate software. Recently I discovered Reason 3.0, which blew my mind. Used to listen to rock, played drums in some bands, but then I discovered drum&bass, hiphop and all the subgenres, which I think is quite more interesting stuff. Since then I try to make some beats and tunes, inspired by bands/producers like Amon Tobin, Prefuse 73, Coldcut, Hexstatic, Looptroop, Photek, Autechre. I would be interested in making drum tracks for other artists.
Member since
Tue, Jun 20, 2006
mondr has 1 remix and has not been remixed
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mondr has not left any reviews and has been reviewed 3 times