

About Me
Born in 1989 in Gorizia, Iniko (Alessandro de Fornasari) is a full ranged and versatile beatmaker and rapper, never afraid of discovering and exploring new genres and approaches to traditional beatmaking.
He started playing the violin at the age of three, and since then music has been a constant issue in his life. From first composition trials when 11, to the acknowledge of the existence of Hip Hop Culture and until today, the violinist slowly turned into the self-taught producer and sound engineer, adding more knowledge and skills year by year. His most preferred way to produce music is still the hardware, so in his studio we will find him all wired up between Akai samplers, mixing consoles, analog tapes and synthesizers.
The last few years have been crucial: what was once a full-time hobby is now a certificated skill, thanks to his accomplishments at the NAM Audio Engineering School in Milan. Moving and studying in such a vivid reality as Milan’s sure is stimulating, making him willing to improve more and take his music for a long trip around the world.
As a rapper, in recent past he stepped on stage with major Italian MCs, such as Gue Pequeno, Er Piotta, Colle Der Fomento and, in multiple occasions, Kaos One
The last didactic efforts brought him away from the scene for a while, giving him the chance to work alongside his long time friends and set up an extended crew known as HotRod Productions, counting members all across northern Italy; their works in progress are many, most of them having Iniko himself behind the sampler and the mixing console.
Member since
Thu, Feb 5, 2015
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