Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress


About Me
about 10 + yrs ago, my father had bought a drum set for himself, so after a month or two, I started to teach myself how to play the drums, and after month or two. I had gotten the idea on how to play the drums. Then one or two christmas’s later my parent’s had gotten me a student guitar, so after i got it. I had practiced and practiced and wasn’t getting it at all. So I was determined to learn the guitar so after the holidays was over I had started taking lessons. And the first thing that I had learned that I was a left handed guitar playing (which I found to be pretty odd since I was right handed person and a little dislect. Its means that I can understand things backwards then forwards but for me that doesn’t happen to me alot.) But once I had found out that I had to play the guitar that way, It had made things alot easier and better to understand. So once I had understood that I started to multi tasking in music lessons as in started to bass guitar, and playing piano, as well started to learning how to read music pretty well at a rapid pace.The worse thing that had happened to me was, I was laid off from my current job at the time. And then I tried to get into studio engineering, i had called a lot different studios asking if they had a need for a apprentice for a studio engineer, at the time everyone that i had called and asked they all said no. Until last year when me and my wife had came up with hayes inc. I had no idea how i could display my talent until I understood that i could do it over the internet. The things that I had learned while not involving myself with music. Was delvoping a good ear as a instrument and as a tool. And my taste for music had broaded dramatically.
Member since
Tue, Mar 4, 2008
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