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About Me
Born out of a search for truth and freedom in a Southeast Asian republic led by an iron fisted authoritarian government, Firebrands walks a high-wire.

The heart of the band originated in Louisiana, USA, but completed the lineup with 6 members of 6 different nationalities and ethnicity.

“Apathy. Content without choice. Money drives society. Living under total control from early education to compulsory military service will do that. Our music is built to be the soundtrack to your escape, an anthem of justice, a burning question, a rise of courage and hope to people everywhere in the world who are suppressed and channeled.”

Performing their furious blend of heavy rock, funk, and turntable SFX at gigs since July 2005 The generated an electric hum in the club circuit and within the music community.
Member since
Tue, Dec 20, 2005
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