About Me
Musicien bricoleur electro & rock (guitare,bass),remixeur politique,bootlegers,trafiquant sonore,pollueur (de reseau),entendant & ecouteur,mediatueur,emmerdeur et chauffeur routier utopiste ca c’est aussi FAB
Musician handyman & electro-rock (guitar, bass), remixer political bootlegers, trafficker sound polluter (network), hearing & headset, mediatueur, emmerdeur and truck driver ca utopian is also FAB
Musician handyman & electro-rock (guitar, bass), remixer political bootlegers, trafficker sound polluter (network), hearing & headset, mediatueur, emmerdeur and truck driver ca utopian is also FAB
Member since
Wed, Nov 7, 2007
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fablibre has no remixes and has not been remixed
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