Imagination Rising Remix Event


About Me
DJ QB (Branko Kujundzic) began making music in 2004. He was resident dj in club Nostradamus for 2 years. In the same time he worked as a dj, radio announcer and audio engineer at three radio stations. During this time he began to work intensively on his music. He made many songs, one of which was released for Intensive Records. The song ‘Who’s Dirty’, has 5 released and 5 unreleased versions. He is also winner of site for best mix in 2010. In 2009 he was a part of Foam Fest in Belgrade Arena on the SH stage. His song ‘Strings’ was used in a documentary movie was on BBC Television. He has also made a video spot for Unusual Caffe. Some of his songs are played on radio shows. If you want any song in a higher quality format just ask.
Soon some new stuffs! Love ya!
Member since
Sat, Feb 12, 2011
djqb has no remixes and has not been remixed
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