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DJ Blade Runner:

DJ Blade Runner

About Me
Born Nov. 19, 1982, DJ Blade Runner (Travis R. Hilkey), age 29, has spent most of his life perfecting his talents and skills in many different art forms. It all began with doodling on notepads at the age of three and now is the Director and Lead Editor of Rogue AV Design Studios.

Travis R. Hilkey, DJ Blade Runner, has had many accomplished works such as his music, Visual Arts and Writing.

Travis has over 3,000 unfinished songs and over 700 published. He also has several unfinished literature titles like: “Whispering Willow; The Bloodline Power” (Movie Script and Novel), “Into the Paranormal” (Documentary), “The Shadow King” (Novel), “Resident Evil; Outbreak” (Movie Script), “Valentine” (Movie Script) and many more.

Travis has also had his share in the film industry with a few appearances in “Dejavu” (Background Actor) and “Touched by an Angel” (Background Speaking Actor).

In early years Travis had tried out several different names for his company before settling with Rogue AV Design Studios. They were: Fantasia Unlimited Multimedia Productions (1996 - 2007), Nightwolf Productions (2007 - 2009) and Restless Studios (2009 - 2011).

DJ Blade Runner has placed #5 DJ in Washington State 4 times, #3 DJ in California 9 times and #13 DJ in Utah 3 times in his career.
Member since
Sat, Jun 30, 2012
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