

About Me
DBL formed in Southern California, in existence for over ten years. Making use of multiple open source music making programs. My musical interest in electronic started with Gary Numan, then Skinny Puppy as Industrial became more trend like I started listening to underground DnB which opened my mind to different time signatures and beat techniques.

I got into Trance for a while, which opened my musical world to Acid Techno and Jungle. A friend at the time gave me a few CD’s Aphex Twin’s Come to Daddy and Selected Ambient Works 85-92. At a time when I was losing interest in the vast genres of electronic I stumbled across Experimental or Braindance as some call it.

This opened a whole musical world of unpredictable constantly changing electronic music. When I first started using programs for sound editing I was using Fruity Loops, Sony Acid Pro and the old version of Logic before Apple bought the company and branded it “Apple Only”.

I was remixing dance songs mainly Trance and putting drums to friends band tracks. My interest in Braindance is because it encompasses all the electronic genres and has no boundaries. I have also dabbled in Glitch and Noise music, I have no exact label for my music I just make what sounds good to me, translate the sounds in my head.
Member since
Mon, Aug 1, 2011
Feeds and Podcasts for digitalbodylanguage
digitalbodylanguage has no remixes and has not been remixed