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About Me
I’m a BROOKLYNITE!!! Born in Memphis, Raised in Bed-Stuy…..A legend, in CT., A legend, in MI……Been rockin’ wheels since I was 10, been workin’ in clubs since 13 (they used ta lock me in the booth with some chips & a pitcher of soda). Anyway, I’ve always been praised as one of the best Dj’s…EVER…….and the friendliest kat, anybody ever knew. I’m in Chi-town, now….in my early 40s…still & always will be Hip-Hop. I’ve seen alot, done alot, rocked alot, won alot. And I just keep goin’, I’m not finished. I’m like…XTRA NICE with these beats and remixxes!!!!!!!

I should get hired to advertise for ACID, cause that’s ALL I ever use!!!!!!!!!

So here I am…….The Past, The Present, & THE FUTURE !!!!!!!!!!!!
Member since
Fri, Apr 15, 2005
BKZAR has no remixes and has not been remixed
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