

About Me
welcome to an online archive of multiinstrumental program artifacts, marks in the trunk of the tree of time, emotional outbursts and digitized dreams, generated astral to digital by the shaman/channeler/producer known universally by his assigned moniker; sOUlrEflEktOr.

originally beginning as a desperate reaction to the dissection of the original dark tribal audio unit known as squeaky fromme/fbr2001, the need to communionicate still remained primal and uncontrollable. immediate measures had to be taken to assure the release of this energy, lest it destroy its host from within. the result of this process became “songs”, downloaded to the universe via “the internet” to the open and waiting minds of the multiverse.

the network is the core of such communication. you are a intregral piece of the entire net of exploding zeros and ones, terrorganisms, all within the necessary broadcast range to receive such signals, an embrace of soul frequency.

My Influences: dreaming. sleeping. dancing. making love. hearts breaking. birth. death. falling in love. rolling. remembering something that made you laugh or cry. being naked.
Member since
Tue, Sep 26, 2006
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sOUlrEflEktOr has no remixes and has not been remixed
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