Resilience Secret Mixter Mixing in Progress
Dex Aquaireean:

Dex Aquaireean

About Me
Dex Aquaireean’s music is much like his persona, mysterious, thought provoking, and instantly entertaining. He combines the elements of electronica, new age, and hip hop into a delicious mix and seasons them with a healthy dash of imagination. His music channels your thoughts to places most have not visited since our day dreaming youth. Evoking emotions and ideas that will resfresh the spirit of any weary soul…
Member since
Sun, Jul 17, 2005
Feeds and Podcasts for Dex Aquaireean
Dex Aquaireean is found 6 times in playlists
Dex Aquaireean has 4 remixes and has not been remixed
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Review Stats
Dex Aquaireean has left 19 reviews and has been reviewed 13 times
Forum posts
Dex Aquaireean has posted 4 forum messages