Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress


About Me
Abel Cruz born In “Aramecina Valle, Honduras” better known by his stage name Abelitro (stylized as Ab3l1tr0) Is a rapper from Honduras, Producer, Songwriter and Actor, In his early life he was raised a fan of Rap and Hip-Hop. He started his career attending to local competitions of rap, Performing in churches, Schools and festivals was all the motivation he need to take his career to the next level. Ab3l1tr0 is a solo artist. Owner and Head Manager at Ab3l1tr0.INC - A.C.T. Records. He recorded and produced his first single “Ya No Quiero Sonrreir” with the help of Sterling Sound located in New York City and mastered by Tom Coyne, The single along with the music video was released and officialy Published by VEVO on May 21, 2013, The music video was directed and produced by Oscar Ubiluz & Martin Ubiluz (MU2PRO), Model in the video Jessica Perez, On March 25th 2014 he released his first studio album “Notas De Abelitro Rap romantico & Reagueton Cristiano” Featuring Jesus Adrian Romero on Paz En La Tormenta (Version Regueton), Ab3l1tr0’s second studio album “Revolucion” (Di Algo Re-Loaded) Was released on Feb. 25th 2015 introducing live the group “Sonido 2000” with the hit “Que Paso”

© Ab3l1tr0.INC - A.C.T. Records
Member since
Fri, Feb 27, 2015
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