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About Me
Tkivo is a Croatian musical project, founded in 2009 in Zagreb, Croatia. Tkivo’s music straddles a wide range of genres, while retaining a characteristic sound using electronic instruments such as synths, drum machines, various samples, etc. In April of 2011, Tkivo released its first independent demo album called Susret. Susret is available as a free download. On 02/14/2013 Tkivo released it’s EP ‘’Emotions Assembled’‘. ‘’Emotions Assembled’’ contains six tracks . All of it’s tracks are mostly instrumentals with some ambiental vocals in the backround of everything. The title of the EP comes from various emotional situations that impact the musician’s process of making his music. When the album is done - all of those emotions become assembled, chaos and order glued with music.
Member since
Sun, Mar 3, 2013
Tkivo has no remixes and has not been remixed
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