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About Me


Sugareyes’ Sweet Electro Sounds

There she was Sugareyes in 2007. Her sweet electropop was soon noticed.

Her catchy single Fresh became a sudden hit. NL ROXX op KinkFM played it in July 2007 and from that point on it all started.

Sugareyes was chosen as one of VINYLIZED five finalists the competition for talented makers and producers of dance music in the Netherlands. And soon after she performed at the Amsterdam Dance Event in October 2007.

Sugareyes is originated because she wanted a change from the usual repertoire she heard around her..

Her music is inspired by artist such as Björk and Madonna but also classical music and disco.

The first year she let her music be produced by others, but because she now wanted to have control of the whole process herself she decided to enthusiastically to do the music production herself.
Member since
Sat, Apr 24, 2010
Feeds and Podcasts for SugareyesProductions
SugareyesProductions is found 3 times in playlists
SugareyesProductions has one remix and has been remixed once.
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SugareyesProductions has not left any reviews and has been reviewed 2 times