RSVP for Jul 28 Livestream
Shara (Sharamusica):

Shara (Sharamusica)

About Me
I do Improvisations with my Loop Station. My main instrument is my voice, sometimes I play guitar, percussion or other instruments.

My music is impulsive, I try to let out what wants to get out, mostly without letting it pass through my head.

In my singing I express myself in an improvised language which has no meaning besides the tonal. The voice is used and understood as an instrument.

It’s about the pure perception of sound on the physical and emotional level without rational intruison.
Member since
Tue, Jul 11, 2017
Shara is found 4 times in playlists
Shara has no remixes and has been remixed 12 times.
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Shara has not left any reviews and has been reviewed 22 times