Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress


About Me
Hello, now read my Bio: my name is Dana and Night Night is my *mysterious* lap-pop alias. I used to span time as a singer/songwriter/engineer in a band called Deathray. Now I’m an engineer/producer and owner of a studio/tanning salon called Station To Station. Contributing writer for TapeOp mag too. I have a blog if you like Bloggins. Music: I try to read the manual, but usually drift off. Lately I’ve been using techniques like tape manipulation, subtractive/FM synthesis and lots of movies and run-on sentences.

The first Night Night EP, “Stuntman and Psychic”, is available through Observatory! Go get it - it’s free, and Observatory/Skylab is an awesome label you should really check out.
Member since
Mon, Sep 3, 2007
Feeds and Podcasts for NightNight
NightNight has no remixes and has not been remixed
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