Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress


About Me
Hi! I am new to this site and actually was invited to come here by Remaxim, a Jamendo and You Tube member. I make videos as a hobby and I like using music to enhance what I’m saying. Remaxim tells me that I have a great voice that others could use. I don’t think it’s that great, but I’ll upload some things I have talked about in some of my videos and let you use it anyway you want. I love sharing and creating new things. One thing I ask is if you do use my voice, please let me know so I can hear your creation. I would get a kick out of it and I’m sure my family would as well. If you would like to check out some of my videos that I have used other people’s music in, just follow my link for my homepage at You Tube. Until then, have a great day! Thanks!
Member since
Thu, Apr 24, 2008
Feeds and Podcasts for JoeShmoe65
JoeShmoe65 has no remixes and has not been remixed
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